Articles by Allyn Rieke
Articles, updates, and energy industry insights written by Allyn Rieke
Industry Insights
Belgium - Where to Now Netherlands?
The Dutch have voted, and the result threatens to become an earthquake. With an unexpected result of around 25% of the vote, the far-right PVV party around Geert Wilders is the clear winner of the national election, and the question arises, where do you go from here, Netherlands?
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Belgium - Transmission Rate Increase
The Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation in Belgium ('Creg') approved the tariff proposal for Belgium's Electricity System Operator - Elia.
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Belgian Power Market - Engie Electrabel Bids Farewell to Nuclear Energy in Belgium
It has been in discussion for a long time, and time and again rumors cropped up that it might be delayed (again), but it now seems reality has sunk in, and the consequences may be considerable.
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