Posted: Apr. 12th 2024
Decarbonising Corporate Natural Gas Emissions

Join Cameron Skinner and David Carlyon to learn how your business can reduce natural gas emissions and meet Net-Zero targets on the horizon.
Explore the opportunities, barriers, risks, advantages, and disadvantages of decarbonising natural gas consumption across your portfolio.
We chose this topic because the typical pathways for electricity are generally well-known. However, the pathways to reducing natural gas are much more complex from financial reporting and practical implementation perspectives. In this webinar we’ll guide you through some of the processes and help determine next steps for your business.
In this webinar:
- Carbon Emissions Framework Review
- Why Focus on Decarbonising Natural Gas Emissions Now?
- Decarbonisation Levers
- Biomethane Certificates
- Rgas (Renewable Gas)
- Energy Efficiency
- Air/Ground Source Heat Pumps
- Electrification
- On-Site Generation
- Key Takeaways from this Webinar