End of GHG Protocol Scope 3 Evaluator Tool

The free tool provided by Quantis is to be discontinued by end of August 2023. Find out how NUS' Energy and Sustainability Services (ESS) division can help your organization with scope 3 GHG calculations, including data collection, cleansing and quantification.
The Scope 3 Evaluator Tool has been used as a free, web-based tool from the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Quantis that has enabled companies to measure, quantify and report on scope 3 emissions throughout value chains. From the end of this month (August 2023), the tool will no longer be available for use. With the closure of the device, companies previously reliant on the tool will now be required to use a different approach to quantify scope 3 emissions.
What is/was the Scope 3 Evaluator Tool?
The GHG Protocol/Quantis Scope 3 Evaluator tool has enabled users to estimate emissions for all 15 scope 3 categories defined under the GHG Protocol regardless of the size or type of company. The tool has enabled companies to input collected scope 3 data (primarily financial expenditure) in order to quantify emissions across business operations. Due to the complexity of scope 3 GHG accounting, the tool has provided a key service in supporting companies with a high-level overview of scope 3 emissions for over a decade.
Why is the tool being discontinued?
The Scope 3 Evaluator was designed around 10 years ago and is built on what is now outdated technology, with limited ability to meet the scalability and bespoke nature of complex scope 3 reporting. As scope 3 GHG accounting has significantly advanced in recent years, there is now the requirement for companies to report using more granular levels of detail, taking into consideration actual data, locations, industry-specific information etc.
What else is available?
The GHG Protocol's Scope 3 website includes links to a list of third-party lifecyle databases and GHG Protocol calculation tools. Specialist organisations, including NUS Consulting Group, have also developed in-house services to support companies with scope 3 GHG accounting and reporting.
How NUS can help
NUS' Energy and Sustainability Services (ESS) division support industrial and commercial clients around the world with all aspects of scope 3 GHG calculations, including data collection, cleansing and quantification. In the absence of the GHG Protocol's Scope 3 Evaluator Tool, NUS can provide quantification for all 15 scope 3 categories to enable transparent and accurate reporting.
To discuss your scope 3 requirements, get in touch at contact@nusconsulting.com.