NUS Consulting Group
Energy Blog / Industry Insights
Posted: Sep. 22nd 2023

Opportunity for Italian Companies

The end of the summer saw the publication on of the Directorial Decree adopted by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, containing the procedures and deadlines for submitting applications to participate in the Fund for Support for Industrial Transition.

The end of the summer (30th August 2023) saw the publication on of the Directorial Decree adopted by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, containing the procedures and deadlines for submitting applications to participate in the Fund for Support for Industrial Transition.

The aim of this measure is to bring the national production system in line with European policies on combating climate change. The resources made available amount to three hundred million euros, half of which is reserved for energy-intensive enterprises.

The Tender

The tender is open to all enterprises based throughout the country, particularly those operating in the extractive and manufacturing sectors. Enterprises may submit a single application per production unit, regardless of the plurality of environmental objectives pursued by the investment program.

The Fund will finance the realization of:

  • Investments in energy efficiency,
  • Reuse for productive uses of raw and recycled materials,
  • Change of the production process through the implementation of solutions and technologies to enable greater energy efficiency or through recycling and reuse of productive materials, raw and recycled materials.

Investment programs must concern only one production unit of the proposing enterprise.

Specifically, the category "Eligible Investment Programs" includes interventions aimed at the implementation of:

(a) high-efficiency cogeneration plants for the simultaneous production, as part of a single process, of thermal energy and electrical or mechanical energy for self-consumption;

(b) plant for the production of energy from renewable sources or renewable hydrogen for self consumption;

(c) energy storage plants. These plants can be subsidized only to the extent that related to combined renewable and storage projects where both elements are components of a single investment or where the storage is connected to an existing renewable energy generation facility. The storage component must absorb at least 75 percent of the energy from a directly connected renewable energy generation facility on an annual basis.

The Requirements

The main requirement for access to this fund is that the investment program has a total expenditure of a minimum of €3 million and a maximum of €20 million.

Businesses can apply exclusively online through the computer procedure accessible in the appropriate section of Invitalia's website from 12 noon on 10 th October 2023, until 12 noon on 12th December 2023.

There is a ranking evaluation procedure apt to determine the order of admission to the preliminary evaluations based on the scores given to individual investment programs.

For insights and guidance on all aspects of energy and sustainability facing your organisation, get in touch with your NUS consultant today.

Fondo per il sostegno alla transizione industriale (

Chiara Sedini

Written by Chiara Sedini

Business and Marketing Manager