Czech Energy Pricing Trends - 18 Feb. 2022
18 Feb 2022
CO2 price (Dec-22) decreased by 4,34 EUR/t WoW to level 86,44 EUR/t WoW. Today market grew close to 89 level.
Brent price (Apr22) increased by 1,56 USD/bbl WoW to 92,97 USD/bbl. Today market oscillated around 92 level.
Coal API (Mar22) decreased by 14,05 USD/t WoW to 158,95 USD/t. Today coal is holding around 157 level.
The electricity price decreased slightly WoW thanks to lower CO2, warmer weather outlook and windy weather, which kept SPOT price below 200 EUR/MWh. Mild and windy weather should persist in Germany over next four weeks, which should keep renewables generation high and consumption lower. CO2 price eased due to possible changes in ETS system, which would allow more flexible interventions in case of significant price increase.
Slovak power market followed the trend of Czech market.
Slovenian market followed trend on other European electricity markets.
SPOT price decreased below 70 EUR/MWh level in the middle of the week, but yesterday it grew again above this level.
Gas market experienced rather stable week where price increased yesterday, but today we see again price correction downwards.
Germany is set for mild, windy weather until mid-March, which pushes gas demand lower. Russian deliveries continue to be stable and without significant disruptions. Thanks to mild weather, gas storages in Europe should end this winter above 2018 low. LNG imports to Europe remain strong; however, this could change towards the end of winter with Asia picking up more LNG deliveries. Tension on Russian-Ukrainian borders keep gas market nervous, but so far it looks as if the situation might calm down towards the end of winter.
Gas level in European gas storages decreased by 2,36% WoW (as of Wednesday) to level 32,01%, only 8% lower YoY.
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