Czech Energy Pricing Trends - 6 Aug. 2021
6 Aug 2021
CO2 price (Dec-21) increased by 2,14 EUR/t WoW to level 55,98 EUR/t WoW. Today CO2 market is trading around 56,7 EUR/MWh level. Brent price (Oct21) decreased by 2,58 USD/bbl WoW to 71,29 USD/bbl. Brent price is trading today above 71,90 level. Coal API (Sep21) increased by 3,75 USD/t WoW to 139,1 USD/t and today is trading above 140,00 level. The energy mix (coal, gas except oil) had bullish development in last week and coal continued in strengthening without any correction. Today gas jumped up significantly and we see again significant price increase compared to yesterday´s level. Along with increasing CO2 we see significant DoD increase up to 3% depending on the futures period (Front Month/Quarter/Cal). In coming days and probably weeks market does not expect any significant price decreases due to limited gas supply and high coal prices will keep electricity prices high.
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