France Energy Pricing Trends - 18 September 2023
18 Sep 2023
France Power Pricing Trends | 18 September 2023
The power market stabilised last week. Despite a slight slowdown in nuclear production in France over the last few days and the disconnection of some reactors from the grid, market players are maintaining their high production forecasts of around 55 GW during the winter peak. The weekly average price fell from 136.80 €/MWh to 134.03 €/MWh for CAL 2024 and from 127.13 €/MWh to 122.65 €/MWh for CAL 2025.
France Natural Gas Pricing Trends | 18 September 2023
The natural gas market rose slightly last week. The injection of natural gas in Europe has decreased. The main reason for this was extended maintenance on Norwegian production sites. In Australia, the strike at Chevron has
intensified since Thursday. French gas stocks are at around 89%. In Europe, stocks are at 94.30% of capacity. The weekly average price increased from 51.40 €/MWh to 51.90 €/MWh for CAL 2024 and from 47.28 €/MWh to 47.83 €/MWh for CAL 2025.
France Oil Pricing Trends | 18 September 2023
The price of Brent crude rose last week, driven by the marked improvement in economic signals in China, such as the consumer index and the industrial production index, which were up by more than 4% compared with a year ago. The weekly average price of Brent crude oil increased from 83.75 €/bbl to 86.43 €/bbl.
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