France Energy Pricing Trends - 21 August 2023
21 Aug 2023
France Power Pricing Trends | 23 August 2023
The power market rose last week, with the Baseload CAL 24 once again exceeding the €160/MWh mark. Several nuclear production units are currently shut down due to the heatwave in France. The weekly average price increased from 157.52 €/MWh to 161.30 €/MWh for CAL 2024 and from 139.85 €/MWh to 140.21 €/MWh for CAL 2025.
France Natural Gas Pricing Trends | 23 August 2023
The natural gas market rose last week. European stocks are 90% full. However, the market is still paying close attention to strike action at Australian LNG export facilities, which could disrupt the fragile balance between global natural gas supply and demand. The weekly average price increased from 51.17 €/MWh to 54.28 €/MWh for CAL 2024 and from 46.16 €/MWh to 47.53 €/MWh for CAL 2025.
France Oil Pricing Trends | 23 August 2023
Brent crude oil prices fell slightly last week. Market players fear a drop in demand from China, whose economy is going through a period of deflation and a crisis of immobility. The weekly average price of Brent crude oil
decreased from 78.69 €/bbl to 77.56 €/bbl.
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