France Energy Pricing Trends - 21 Feb. 2022

France Power Pricing Trends | 21 February 2022

The electricity futures market rose last week. Despite mild weather and rising wind production, market confidence remained strong, with EDF announcing a series of new audits in its nuclear power plants against any risk of corrosion. Average weekly prices rose from 155.38€/MWh to 159.57 €/MWh for CAL 2023 & from 111.65 €/MWh to 115.02 €/MWh for CAL 2024.

France Natural Gas Pricing Trends | 21 February 2022

The natural gas futures market held steady last week. Factors usually likely to pull down prices (LNG delivery, mild weather) were not enough to reverse the trend. Indeed, the market reacts to the daily evolution of the geopolitical situation between Ukraine and Russia. This is how prices soared last Monday following rumors of an imminent Russian invasion. Average weekly prices shrank slightly from 52.73 €/MWh to 52.20 €/MWh for CAL 2023 and grew from 36.25.

France Oil Pricing Trends | 21 February 2022 

Oil prices rose last week as OPEC struggles to meet its targets of a steady rise in productivity of assets. Several member states are already at the maximum of their production capacity. Lifting sanctions on Iran would be likely to ease fears. The average weekly price of Brent grew from 80.90 €/bbl to 82.42 €/bbl.

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