France Energy Pricing Trends - 28 Feb. 2022
28 Feb 2022
France Power Pricing Trends | 28 February 2022
The power futures market was strongly rising last week. The boom in natural gas prices led to a sharp increase in electricity prices on Thursday, the first day of the Russian offensive. At the same time, the drop in temperatures over the past few days has further stressed the market, amplified by low wind and nuclear production. Average weekly prices rose from 159.57 €/MWh to 181.06 €/MWh for CAL 2023 & from 115.02 €/MWh to 125.65 €/MWh for CAL 2024.
France Natural Gas Pricing Trends | 28 February 2022
The natural gas futures market reached record prices last week, impacting all commodities (even on a long term basis), a sign that market players are expecting a lasting crisis. The economic sanctions announced against Russia will impact the import of Russian natural gas. Russia's exit from the Swift payment system this week will impact the market in the coming days. Average weekly prices rose from 52.20 €/MWh to 62.03 €/MWh for CAL 2023 & from 36.77 €/MWh to 41.35 €/MWh for CAL 2024.
France Oil Pricing Trends | 28 February 2022
Oil prices increased again last week. With OPEC's current production unable to meet all global demand, the market is concerned about the future availability of Russian oil. The average weekly price of Brent grew from 82.42 €/bbl to 86.76 €/bbl.
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