France Energy Pricing Trends - 3 May 2021
3 May 2021
France Power Pricing Trends | 3 May 2021
The continued rise in CO2 prices as the ECTS compliance deadline came and went last week has led to a further increase in the weekly average price of electricity, from €57.74/MWh to €59.04/MWh for CAL 2021 and from €53.96/MWh to €54.56/MWh for CAL 2023.
France Natural Gas Pricing Trends | 3 May 2021
The natural gas futures market was bullish last week due to continued cool weather, continually low storage levels and hurdles in the supply of natural gas from Russia. The average weekly price rose from €18.68 /MWh to €19.05/MWh for CAL 2022 and from €17.23/MWH to €17.35/MWh for CAL 2023.
France Oil Pricing Trends | 3 May 2021
Strong economic growth in China and rising activity in the United States spurred oil prices on last week. The average weekly price of Brent rose from €54.83/bbl to €55.33/bbl.
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