France Energy Pricing Trends - 30 May 2023
30 May 2023
France Power Pricing Trends | 30 May 2023
The power market continued to fall last week, driven not only by lower prices on the natural gas market, but also by the reduction in the risk premium linked to French nuclear production. EDF's nuclear capacity is set to double by next winter as a result of accelerated maintenance work. The weekly average price decreased from 191.20 €/MWh to 167.18 €/MWh for CAL 2024 and from 131.44 €/MWh to 123.73 €/MWh for CAL 2025.
France Natural Gas Pricing Trends | 30 May 2023
The natural gas market fell last week. French gas stocks are at around 50%, up 2 points in a week. At European level, stocks are at 67.30% of capacity. This high level of storage, combined with low demand for natural gas, is driving down the price of this energy on the market. The weekly average price decreased from 50.28 €/MWh to 48.54 €/MWh for CAL 2024 and from 45.81 €/MWh to 44.01 €/MWh for CAL 2025.
France Oil Pricing Trends | 30 May 2023
The price of Brent crude rose rapidly at the start of the week. The Saudi energy minister hinted that production cuts would be made again. Then, on Thursday, Russia announced its opposition to further cuts, thereby reducing the pressure on the oil market. The weekly average price of Brent crude oil increased from 69.83 €/bbl to 71.43 €/bbl.
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