France Energy Pricing Trends - 5 September 2022
5 Sep 2022
France Power Pricing Trends | 5 September 2022
After an all-time high on Friday August 25, the electricity market relaxed last week, following the European Commission's stated willingness to apply urgent measures to stem the soaring prices. However, these policy measures won’t change the imbalance between supply and demand for electricity that we are likely to encounter in the coming weeks (current low nuclear and hydropower production). The weekly average price has dropped from 877.59 €/MWh to 698.10 €/MWh for CAL 2023 and from 443.71 €/MWh to 365.08 €/MWh for CAL 2024.
France Natural Gas Pricing Trends | 5 September 2022
The natural gas market contracted last week following an accumulation of good news: higher than expected gas storage at the European level, LNG arrivals expected to increase, the reform of the energy markets announced by the European Commission. The EC will hold a meeting to this effect on Friday 9 September to establish the framework for these measures. Late Friday, Gazprom announced that Nord Stream 1 will be "completely" shut down until a turbine in the pipeline is repaired. No timeframe was given for these repairs. This shutdown is likely lead the market to new bullish energy prices in the coming days. The weekly average price shrank from 261.05 €/MWh to 202.74 €/MWh for CAL 2023 and from 182.93 €/MWh to 133.05 €/MWh for CAL 2024.
France Oil Pricing Trends | 5 September 2022
The price of Brent fell last week, as markets worried about the potential impact of a global economic slowdown, accompanied by soaring inflation in Europe. On the supply side, production is currently satisfactory, which influences this downward trend. The weekly average price of Brent crude oil grew from 100.10 €/bbl to 97.02 €/bbl.
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