France Energy Pricing Trends - 6 Sep. 2021
6 Sep 2021
France Power Pricing Trends | 6 September 2021
Last Friday, the CAL 2022 closed at 92.70 €/MWh. These record levels on the electricity market are the result of multiple increases in other collateral markets (natural gas, CO2 above 60.00 €/t, the price of coal at the highest level in thirteen years). The average weekly price moved from 85.21 €/MWh to 91.11 €/MWh for CAL 2022 and 69.11 €/MWh to 72.15 €/MWh for CAL 2023.
France Natural Gas Pricing Trends | 6 September 2021
The natural gas futures market remained very tense last week. This is because the level of European gas stocks remains too low for the season, the restricted supply flows from Russia and the North Sea, the tensions over the end of the Nord Stream 2 works. Average weekly prices surged from 32.12 €/MWh to 34.13 €/MWh for CAL 2022 and from 22.71 €/MWh to 23.32 €/MWh for CAL 2023.
France Oil Pricing Trends | 6 September 2021
At the beginning of the week, Brent prices fell following the validation of the increase in oil production by OPEC+ members, before rising again on Thursday. The closure of refineries in Louisiana following the passage of Hurricane Ida can be pointed to as the defining factor. The average weekly price of Brent overall increased from 60.60 €/bbl to 61.10 €/bbl.
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