German Energy Pricing Trends - 11 July 2021
11 Jul 2021
German Electricity Pricing | 11 July 2021
Electricity prices have fallen across all products. In doing so, they reacted to the corrections that had also been made in the gas and CO2 market.
German Natural Gas Pricing | 11 July 2021
Gas prices fell in the past week, especially the rate for the front year 2022, by around -4.20%.
German CO2 Pricing | 11 July 2021
There were strong downward corrections in the reporting week for CO2 prices. The level was similar to that of May and June. The movements in the gas market and profit-taking were reasons for the price decline. The December 2021 contract closed on July 12, 2021 at € 51.71 / t (-10.64%).
German Oil Pricing | 11 July 2021
Oil prices also fell. When it comes to the change in output, the disagreement between OPEC + should actually cause prices to rise. An expansion of the funding was expected but did not materialize.
German Coal Pricing | 11 July 2021
Coal prices hardly changed in the past week with a slight increase at the end. The currently still high prices ensured that coal remains competitive in the European fuel mix.
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