German Energy Pricing Trends - 12 Apr. 2021
12 Apr 2021
German Electricity Pricing | 12 April 2021
Electricity prices fell despite the continued fixed CO2 prices. Reasons were also falling coal and gas prices.
German Natural Gas Pricing | 12 April 2021
Gas prices fell in the reporting week. Increased, expected LNG deliveries, the end of the blockade of the Suez Canal and rising temperature forecasts from mid-April put the gas price under pressure.
German CO2 Pricing | 12 April 2021
CO2 prices rose slightly. The prospect of initially still cold weather and the nearing of the deadline for fulfilling the CO2 obligations were the reasons for the continued fixed CO2 prices.
German Oil Pricing | 12 April 2021
There was a slight recovery in oil after the sharp falls on Easter Monday. The news of falling US inventories supported prices.
German Coal Pricing | 12 April 2021
Coal prices came under pressure. Price lowering was that one of the two loading stations in the largest coal export port in Australia is back in operation and that the railway line used to transport coal is active again.
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