German Energy Pricing Trends - 18 July 2021
18 Jul 2021
German Electricity Pricing | 18 Jul 2021
Electricity prices moved sideways in the week under review - almost unchanged for the front year but slightly higher for the following year 2023 than the previous week. Electricity prices followed the price development of the also quite stable development for gas and CO2. In a week-on-week comparison, the Cal22 at 71.38 €/MWh (-0.03%) and the Cal23 at €63.37/MWh (+0.38%).
German Natural Gas Pricing | 18 July 2021
Gas prices fell slightly over the past week. Average temperatures and better availability of gas were reasons for falling prices. The price decline was also supported by a falling oil price due to the agreement reached by OPEC + to increase the financial support. The settlement price was on July 19 for the Cal22 at 25.473 € / MWh (-0.35%) and the Cal23 at 19.543 € / MWh (-0.79%).
German CO2 Pricing | 18 July 2021
The CO2 prices experienced a very volatile phase last week with fluctuations of up to € 4.00 / t. The main nervousness in the market was how the EU Commission's final plans for the "fit-for-55" program would be announced. December 2021- Contract closed on July 19, 2021 compared to July 12, 2021 at € 52.42 / t (+1.37%).
German Oil Pricing | 18 July 2021
Oil prices have fallen over the past week. It was mainly due to the decision of OPEC + and their increase of oil production already described. In our Monday to Monday comparison, the price for a barrel of North Sea Brent on July 19, 2021 was even USD 68.72 / bbl (-8.65%).
German Coal Pricing | 18 July 2021
Coal prices rose significantly by over 5% in the reporting week. Once again, the undiminished demand was massively price supportive in the Asian region especially from China. On July 19 the API2 CIF ARA 2022 was higher in a weekly comparison at 93.48 $ / t (+ 5.27%).
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