German Energy Pricing Trends - 20 June 2021
20 Jun 2021
German Electricity Pricing | 20 June 2021
Electricity prices continued to rise slightly for the front year 2022; on the other hand, prices fell for 2023 and in the wake of falling coal and CO2 prices.
German Natural Gas Pricing | 20 June 2021
In the reporting week, gas prices rose due to a continued thin supply situation and ongoing maintenance work in the Norwegian gas network.
German CO2 Pricing | 20 June 2021
The price development for CO2 prices was very volatile, however, with a decrease of 1% at the end of the reporting week. The Dec. 2021 contract closed on June 21, 2021 at € 52.42 / t (-0.91%).
German Oil Pricing | 20 June 2021
Oil prices continued to rise. The hope for further demand and reports of declines in US inventories had a price supportive effect.
German Coal Pricing | 20 June 2021
Coal prices fell - one reason for this seems to be stronger Colombian exports, which were previously lower due to strikes.
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