German Energy Pricing Trends - 21 Feb. 2021
21 Feb 2021
German Electricity Pricing | 21 February 2021
Electricity prices fell slightly. Decisive were falling gas prices and once again the requirements for CO2 prices, which have also decreased.
German Natural Gas Pricing | 21 February 2021
Gas prices also fell in the reporting week. The reasons were warmer temperatures and more LNG deliveries, especially from the USA.
German CO2 Pricing | 21 February 2021
CO2 prices have meanwhile dropped to just under € 38/ton. The mild weather put pressure on prices. In addition, more certificates were traded again and profit-taking was recorded.
German Oil Pricing | 21 February 2021
Brent oil price rose to a high for the year. Reasons were extremely cold temperatures in Texas which almost brought oil production to a standstill and signals of relaxation between the USA and Iran.
German Coal Pricing | 21 February 2021
Coal prices rose 4% in the reporting week. There was hardly any knowledge of the coal market during the Chinese New Year celebrations.
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