German Energy Pricing Trends - 21 May 2021

German Electricity Pricing | 21 May 2021

Electricity prices were very volatile. Electricity prices came under significant pressure at the beginning of the week because CO2 prices fell significantly.

German Natural Gas Pricing | 21 May 2021

Gas prices also fell significantly by over 6%. In addition to the weak CO2 prices, the positive development of the Nordstream 2 pipeline project was one of the reasons.

German CO2 Pricing | 21 May 2021

CO2 prices collapsed by over 7%. This happened a day before the British started their own trading system.

German Oil Pricing | 21 May 2021

Oil prices also fell significantly. The development was to be expected following the financial markets.

German Coal Pricing | 21 May 2021

Coal prices rose slightly. The sustained demand in the Pacific region and interruptions in the Colombian supply caused prices to rise.

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