German Energy Pricing Trends - 29 Apr. 2021
29 Apr 2021
German Electricity Pricing | 29 April 2021
Electricity price still stable, only slight increase. The reasons are declines in the price of coal and gas. CO2 had a price supportive effect.
German Natural Gas Pricing | 29 April 2021
Gas prices fell in the reporting week. The prospect of increasing gas deliveries from Russia caused prices to fall.
German CO2 Pricing | 29 April 2021
CO2 prices reached new highs of over EUR 47 / t. One reason was the positive mood after the agreement on the EU's climate protection law.
German Oil Pricing | 29 April 2021
Oil prices fell. The news situation was very thin. An unexpected increase in US inventory levels of 0.6 million bbl. were partly the cause.
German Coal Pricing | 29 April 2021
Coal prices have fallen. Asian coal demand impacted by massive corona cases in India and Japan. In China, demand is still very strong.
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