German Energy Pricing Trends - 4 July 2021
4 Jul 2021
German Electricity Pricing | 4 Jul 2021
Electricity prices continued to rise sharply, especially in the front year 2022 and the winter quarters Q4 / 2021 and Q1 / 2022. Justified by new highs of CO2.
German Natural Gas Pricing | 4 July 2021
Gas prices also saw a significant increase. The reasons are still low storage levels and a sharp decline in LNG deliveries to Europe.
German CO2 Pricing | 4 July 2021
CO2 prices reached a record level of over € 58 / t last week. The CO2 market got its bullish mood from the sharp rise in gas prices due to fears about the supply situation.
German Oil Pricing | 4 July 2021
Massive rise in oil prices. Tensions within OPEC + with regard to an agreement that was already ready to be signed for the expansion of the still restricted production volumes could be identified as the reason.
German Coal Pricing | 4 July 2021
Coal prices rose + 4.0%. The massive price increases for gas supported prices. This has improved the competitiveness of coal in the European fuel mix and boosted demand.
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