German Energy Pricing Trends - 8 Aug. 2021

German Electricity Pricing | 8 August 2021

Thanks to positive economic forecasts that promise a rapid recovery in the global economy after Corona and Covid, electricity market continues to rise just like gas and CO2 prices. The front year and the following year 2023 again showed higher prices than the previous week.  The € 80 mark has not yet been reached. In a weekly comparison, the Cal22 stood at € 79.14 / MWh (+ 2.99%) and the Cal23 at € 69.19 / MWh (+ 3.56%).

German Natural Gas Pricing | 8 August 2021

Reasons for rising market prices are the significantly reduced gas flows from Russia via the German-Polish border crossing point Mallnow and the low storage levels. The demand for LNG in Asia remains high as it remains hot. Low pipeline flows from Russia.  The settlement price was on August 9th. for the Cal22 at € 30.381 / MWh (+8.50%) and for the Cal23 at € 21.557 / MWh (+5.00%).

German CO2 Pricing | 8 August 2021

The CO2 price was driven by the fuels gas and coal, as well as the fact that the gas price was proportionally higher than the price of coal. At the moment, generating electricity in a coal-fired power plant is much more profitable than in a gas-fired power plant, which in turn is the Increased demand for certificates. The December 2021 contract closed on August 9, 2021 compared to August 2, 2021 at € 56.62 / t (+ 4.00%).

German Oil Pricing | 8 August 2021

The spread of the Delta variant of the coronavirus creates interest in sales in the oil market. In our comparison, the price was for the barrel of the North Sea variety Brent on August 9, 2021 now at USD 69.22 / bbl (-4.39%).

German Coal Pricing | 8 August 2021

The price of coal continued its rally and climbed. On August 9th stood the API2 CIF ARA 2022 at $ 98.90 / t (+ 3.83%).

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