Germany Energy Pricing Trends - 10 Dec. 2021
10 Dec 2021
German Electricity Pricing | 10 December 2021
Another significant increase in electricity prices by over 10% for the front year 2022 (152,35 €/MWh). This is due to the high gas and CO2 prices.
German Natural Gas Pricing | 10 December 2021
Gas prices only knew one direction and that was up. The front year 2022 broke the 60,00 €/MWh mark.
German CO2 Pricing | 10 December 2021
CO2 prices reached an all-time high of almost 80,00 €/t. CO2 was supported by the attractiveness of increased coal-based power generation and the demand for CO2 certificates.
German Oil Pricing | 10 December 2021
Oil prices tended to move sideways in the reporting week, with a slight plus. Reasons are still demand concerns due to Corona.
German Coal Pricing | 10 December 2021
Coal prices had also remained stable over the past week. The API2 CIF ARA 2022 stood at 108,00 $/t on December 6, 2021.
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