Poland Energy Pricing Trends - Jan. 2021
11 Feb 2021
Poland Electricity Pricing Trends for January 2021
In January the electricity future pricing for 2022 was moving in between 251 to 261 PLN / MWh in comparison to price range of 247 – 257 PLN / MWh for the same future contract in prior month. In early January CO2 European pricing hit all-time high exceeding 35 EUR / ton. According to newly released data for Poland, electricity generation from hard coal and lignite dropped below 70% in 2020 (versus 73% in 2019); 10% of electricity was from gas and another 10% from wind; biomass and biogas accounted for almost 6%; and remaining 2% from hydrogenation and 1,2% from photovoltaic.
Poland Natural Gas Pricing Trends for January 2021
In January the natural gas futures for 2022 also moved higher and fluctuated in between 82 to 88 PLN / MWh (versus 75 – 85 PLN / MWh in prior month for the same gas contract). The increase in pricing followed expectations of colder weather forecasts, higher CO2 emissions and crude oil pricing. Due to greater winter gas consumption storage levels dropped to 57% at the end of January (in comparison to 74% at the end of 2020).
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