Poland Energy Pricing Trends - June 2021
13 Jul 2021
Poland Electricity Pricing Trends for June 2021
In June the electricity future pricing for 2022 hit another record high and fluctuated in between 331 to 359 PLN / MWh in comparison to price range of 323 to 356 PLN / MWh for the same future contract traded in May. The main driver is CO2 European pricing mowing in between 50 - 55 EUR / ton. The additional support to the pricing was given by weather conditions – high temperatures and low generation from wind, redirecting to greater reliance on electricity production from fossil fuels (natural gas and coal).
Poland Natural Gas Pricing Trends for June 2021
In June the natural gas futures for 2022 fluctuated in between 105 to 128 PLN / MWh (versus 103 to 114 PLN / MWh in May for the same gas contract). Such a substantial increase in gas prices was caused by high CO2 prices, very low level of gas storage in Europe - 47,5 % as of June 30, 2021 versus 80,4% for same period last year, and Russia keeping strategy of not pumping more gas to Europe, although high demand.
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