Poland Energy Pricing Trends - Sept. 2021
17 Oct 2021
Poland Electricity Pricing Trends for September 2021
In September the electricity future pricing for 2022 hit another record high and fluctuated in between 378 to 433 PLN / MWh in comparison to price range of 354 to 376 PLN / MWh for the same future contract traded in previous month. The main driver is CO2 European price ending the month at 65,8 EUR/t (on September 28th). Additional support comes from low windiness in September, directing energy generation toward fossil fuels, which are also hitting their pricing peaks.
Poland Natural Gas Pricing Trends for September 2021
In September the natural gas futures for 2022 fluctuated in between 164 to 274 PLN / MWh (versus 138 to 165 PLN / MWh in prior month). Such a substantial increase in gas prices resulted from still very low level of gas storage in Europe - 75 % at the end of the month – 20% less than last year. Russia continues pumping gas to Europe at limited pace, strong demand for gas from Asia limits deliveries to Europe. Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline was completed in September, and now it is awaiting final certification, which can take a couple of months.
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