๐ฟ๐ฆ NUS Consulting South Africa
Sandton Offices
- Phone: +27 (0)11 268 4521
- Phone: +27 (0)11 268 4500 (switchboard)
- Email: contact@nusconsulting.co.za
NUS Consulting Groupโs South African office was established in 1973. The office is located in Sandton, Johannesburg, with regional offices in Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, and Durban. Today, NUS South Africa employs more than 15 dedicated energy professionals focused on providing exceptional services and solutions to domestic and international clients.
The South African market remains a regulated market. As such, the market is dominated by Eskom for electricity and Sasol for gas - the 231 local municipalities for water distribution and sanitization. There is little to no flexibility to purchase independent of available rates and tariffs. The power market is dominated by Eskom, the state-owned company (SOC) which has been a vertically integrated supplier but is undergoing a phased unbundling into separate SOCโs covering generation, transmission, and distribution. Eskom generates approximately 95 percent of the countryโs electricity, mainly from an aging coal and nuclear generation fleet. Due to Eskomโs financial troubles, poor maintenance, lack of available productive capacity (leading to load-shedding), and recent shifts in government policy toward privatising the company, the market has seen a growing number of independent power producers (IPPs) enter the market, expanding available renewable generation. The country now allows Small-Scale Embedded Generation (SSEG) onsite and municipalities in good financial standing to source and generate their own electricity generation or renewable sources (IPPs) and not exclusively from Eskom.
NUSโs local South African team proactively monitors market developments and works collaboratively with clients to manage their electricity, gas, water, waste-water, and carbon requirements. We are experts in analyzing and optimizing rates and tariffs offered by Eskom and local municipalities for our clients, reducing their costs. Moreover, we provide our clients comprehensive sustainability support and compliance services to achieve their sustainability goals and commitments including, but not limited to, ISO50001 Energy Management, Carbon Offsets, CDP, GRI, SA GHG regulatory reporting, auditing and verification.
We coordinate activities with NUSโs other international offices around the globe to provide seamless, integrated services to international organizations.