Rate Analysis
Many organizations concentrate their cost management efforts on managing the commodity price of energy. While controlling commodity price is important, such a narrowly focused approach neglects a substantial portion of your annual energy costs and opportunities for reducing these costs.
Over the past several years, regulated energy costs, including transmission, distribution, renewables obligations, capacity, balancing, and climate-related charges, have progressively expanded. In many markets, non-commodity charges exceed commodity charges as a proportion of your total energy bill.
As non-commodity costs expand, organizations find cost reductions from these charges increasingly valuable, especially when governments provide incentive schemes for energy-intensive organisations to mitigate a large proportion of these non-commodity costs due to their substantial impact on energy costs.
Implementing comprehensive rate analysis programs expands opportunities for minimising costs and allows you to exert greater control over your annual energy costs.
NUS tracks and analyzes the various non-commodity charges applied in each energy market. Moreover, we closely monitor existing and proposed regulatory changes or incentive schemes and model their impact, if implemented, on client's energy costs.
NUS's rate analysis service will boost your operation and financial performance by providing critical insight into your non-commodity charges and the opportunities for reducing them, driving down your annual energy costs, and improving your budget visibility.