Flash - Gas: Storage & Transport Costs Implemented on April 1st

Variation in the Storage Fee

In a March 16 2023 arbitration, the Energy Regulation Commission (CRE) has set the storage fee component to 186.70€/MWh/day/year starting April 1st 2023.

Compared with the previous price, the arbitration has resulted in a 28% decrease

The storage fee component is in freefall compared with the previous 12 month period, returning to levels similar to those set in 2021.

Storage fee component from April 1st (en €/MWh/day/year)297.06213.4678.63185.11261.08186.70

Note that P13 and P14 consumption profiles (which include users whose winter demand represents under 50% of their annual needs) remain exonerated from the storage fee component

Variation in the Access Fee to the Gas Transport Network (ATRT)

The Energy Regulation Commission (CRE) has published the evolution of the ATRT7 rate that will take effect on April 1st 2023:

Assuming an identical Annual Reference Consumption (CAR) & consumption profile, these variations will induce a roughly 2.00% rate increase on the general & regional network operated by GRTgaz & Teréga.

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