Procurement for Consumer Products Manufacturer

Saved 145 000,00 zł
NUS helped a manufacturer avoid costly disruptions after the abrupt termination of their supply contract.
With NUS’s support, this manufacturer avoided service interruption and secured a last-minute supply contract that saved 145,000 PLN.
A Consumer Products manufacturer located in central Poland reached out to NUS Consulting Group when its incumbent energy supplier decided to terminate the supply contract unilaterally with a 30-day notice.
In this case, although the client’s existing supply contract would not expire until six months later, the supplier notified NUS’s client that it would close its electricity operations in Poland and terminate the client’s contract in a month.
Upon engagement, NUS Polish team immediately evaluated the situation, formed procurement strategies and took actions to prevent energy supply disruption. NUS team first reviewed the client’s existing supply contract in detail, including price, terms and conditions and whether there is a take or pay clause. NUS then provided solutions other than a reserve sale, which would be twice as much as the client’s contracted price. NUS quickly assembled necessary information and contacted several competitive suppliers on behalf of the client to secure a new supply contract under a very tight deadline. As a result, NUS negotiated a supply contract with a top energy supplier. The new contract term covers the remainder of the contract term and the following year, providing an overall savings of 145,000 PLN (comparing to the client’s then-existing contract price). In the meantime, NUS also effectively managed all notices, communications and documents circulated by the incumbent supplier to ensure the client transition smoothly to the new energy supplier without any service interruption.
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