NUS Consulting Group

๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ NUS Consulting Canada

Toronto Offices

111 Gordan Baker Road Suite 500 North York, Ontario M2H 3R2

In 1964, NUS expanded from the United States into Canada. For over 50 years, we have been providing energy management and sustainability services to commercial and industrial businesses across Canada from our Toronto office. Today, NUSโ€™s Canadian office employs over 25 dedicated energy professionals, providing leading-edge solutions and services to more than 400 domestic and international clients.

The Canadian energy markets are highly complex. The electricity market varies from province to province and is deregulated only in Ontario and Alberta. The other provinces remain highly regulated and dominated by vertically integrated suppliers owned by the respective local governments. In Canada, hydroelectricity is the dominant source of electricity generation at approximately 60 percent of overall production. One of the unique features of the Canadian electricity market is the global adjustment, a charge which is applied to all customers in the province of Ontario. The global adjustment is set monthly and is designed to cover the expected cost of building new electricity infrastructure in the province as well as delivering the provinceโ€™s conservation programs.

The natural gas market across Canada is largely deregulated. Historically, natural gas flowed from the western provinces (which produced the bulk of the countryโ€™s oil and gas) to higher demand markets in the eastern provinces. This flow, however, is being disrupted as western Canada is exporting more gas directly into the US midwest and eastern Canada is importing shale gas from the Marcellus in Appalachian Basin.

NUSโ€™s local Canadian team proactively monitors market developments in each province and works closely with clients to achieve their energy cost management and sustainability goals. We provide clients with invoice processing and validation, payment data, analysis, procurement, risk management, budgeting, energy efficiency, and sustainability solutions. NUS Canada coordinates its activities with NUSโ€™s other international offices to provide seamless, integrated procurement and risk management support services to international organizations.

We are dedicated to providing our clients with exceptional services and leading-edge solutions to their energy management and sustainability solutions.