NUS Consulting Group

Market Intelligence

If you already have an internal teamโ€ฆ

We recognise that some large organisations have internal energy teams dedicated to energy procurement, commodity purchasing and risk management. These in-house teams often perform many of the same services NUS provides to its clients. However, these internal teams may face certain limitations and challenges. They may lack presence or experience in a particular market or the ability to read and speak the local language, making it difficult to follow non-commodity, government subsidy, legal, or regulatory developments. Additionally, local energy prices are driven by many different factors, so an independent perspective of the market can be valuable.

NUS can help support or build your internal team

NUS has certain advantages over an internal energy team, and consequently, we can help an internal team be more effective. First, we provide energy management and sustainability services to a diverse array of businesses across multiple industries, giving NUS unique insights into the overall markets and trends among large consumers. Second, NUS has 16 offices globally, with local staff monitoring developments in approximately 30 different markets. The NUS team can provide your internal team with regular updates on local developments, including network charges, energy and sustainability-related levies and taxes, government subsidies, and regulations. Moreover, the NUS energy risk management team can offer your internal team an independent view of market prices and trends, which may either confirm your own internal view or present an alternative to consider before making an important commodity purchase.

More Energy and Sustainability Solutions

Contract Procurement

Energy Management

Contract Procurement

By undertaking a market tender, even on an expedited basis, you can significantly reduce the cost of your next supply contract.

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Risk Management

Energy Management

Risk Management

For large organisations with significant energy expenditures, developing and implementing a detailed ERP has become an industry standard.

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Budgeting and Reporting

Energy Management

Budgeting and Reporting

Operations, finance, and environmental teams require detailed and accurate energy budgets to work effectively.

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