NUS Consulting Group

Energy Efficiency Implementation

Energy reduction: How to become more energy efficient.

Understanding your data and your business operations is vital in making informed decisions about the technologies and practices to implement at one or more of your facilities. The ultimate goal is to reduce energy consumption and costs and, at the same time, remove carbon emissions. The focus is on achieving short-, medium-, and long-term return on investment (ROI) to ensure the financial viability and longevity of your efficiency projects.

Can implementing efficiency projects support decarbonization?

Many facilities still rely on fossil fuels, such as natural gas, within their operations. Implementing alternative technologies can enhance a facilityโ€™s function and provide the dual benefits of energy reduction and decarbonization.

What are some common energy effiency implementation strategies available today?

  • Data: Installation of sub-meters to provide granularity as to where your electricity or gas is being used to ensure high data quality.
  • Fabric: This approach prioritises the building envelope (walls, roofs, floors, windows, and doors) to create a high-performance, energy-efficient building.
  • Heating, Ventilation, Cooling: Heat Pumps are a solution to replace existing gas boilers. This can be air, water, or ground source heat pumps, depending on suitability.
  • Lighting: Retrofitting existing lighting throughout a building.
  • Transport: Installing electric vehicle (EV) charge points and EV infrastructure to support an organizationโ€™s business fleet or clients visiting their sites.
  • Processes: Replacement of equipment that relies on carbon-intensive fuels.

Each of the strategies above will play a part in the electrification of a site. This refers to the transformation from using fossil fuels to using low and no-carbon alternatives, e.g. taking out a gas boiler for an electric replacement or divesting petrol/diesel vehicles in favour of hybrid or fully electric vehicles.

Technology/Supplier Agnostic.

NUS recognises that each business has unique energy needs. Consequently, NUSโ€™s dedicated teams independently evaluate all aspects of energy efficiency to identify appropriate solutions for your business. NUS collaborates with relevant partners to plan and execute necessary steps, enabling the implementation of various energy efficiency measures.